Year 6
Welcome- meet the staff team
Welcome to Year 6. The teachers in Year 6 are Miss Heath (6H) and Miss Quain (6Q). We are very lucky to be supported by our TA, Mrs Adams. We also have an English specialist teacher, Mrs Hutchings, who supports children with their writing. You can contact the team at
Miss Heath
Class Teacher
Miss Quain
Class Teacher
Mrs Hutchings
Mrs Adams
Teaching Assistant
Overview of learning
Year 6 is the final year of primary school. Being in Year 6 is one of the most exciting and memorable times in your child’s education; we aim to make it as fun as possible. The academic year is packed with many exciting trips and experiences including visiting a magistrates’ court, The Imperial War Museum, The RAF museum, The Natural History Museum, Pizza Express and our final residential trip to Walton Firs. As well as this, we end the year with an outstanding production where all the children are given the chance to shine and show off their hidden talents! Year 6 have PE on a Friday and so need to wear their PE kit to school on this day.
Photo Gallery
All children are provided with their own CGP homework books. Children are expected to complete the assigned questions each evening Monday - Thursday. Spellings are sent home on a Monday and are expected to be returned on Friday, ready for the spelling test. Pupil are then expected to apply these spellings independently in their writing.
Statutory assessment information
Year 6 provides an opportunity to celebrate all the hard work the children have put in during their time at Ellingham. In May, they will sit the KS2 SATs in SPaG, Reading and Maths.
In 2024, Year 6 SATs week will take place on the week beginning Monday 13th May. The SATs tests will take place throughout the week, starting on Monday 13th and ending on Thursday 16th May. Further information will be provided in a SATs information parent workshop later in the year.
These exams are the Government’s way of assessing their learning across Key Stage 2. Consequently, we spend time revising the Key Stage 2 curriculum in order to prepare the children and build their confidence. We aim to keep this a stress-free experience by making lessons fun and engaging. It is important to remember there are many foundation subjects which are not tested but so many will excel in, such as History, Art and PE. We aim to celebrate all their talents and achievements during their time at Ellingham.
Helping your child at home
Please ensure your children are reading regularly. In Year 6 we like to promote reading for pleasure and encourage the children to read books they enjoy and can immerse themselves in. This could be a chapter book, comic, magazine, non-fiction book, graphic novel etc. Although the majority of children in Year 6 are fluent readers, it is still important to hear stories read aloud!
This year we are promoting Reading for Pleasure. Please do see the supporting documents below for top tips to encourage and promote Reading for Pleasure at home. To encourage Reading for Pleasure, you can use Oxford Owl to read and listen to a variety of books on the computer or I-pad! Each class will have a log in for the children to access more books and audiobooks at home. and go to ‘my class login’.
Epic Books (free eBooks)
Spelling and Writing
We follow the Sounds Write Phonics Programme at Ellingham. In KS2, pupils are developing their accurate spelling and applying this knowledge to their writing. Regular exposure to the Year 6 common exception words will help your child to read and write them independently. We are extremely grateful for additional support at home to help pupils learn their weekly spellings. These websites provides useful support for grammatical concepts.
Supporting your child’s mathematical fluency is key for instant recall. Each child has a login for Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) and we encourage children to access this regularly throughout the week.
You can also encourage your child to use their maths skills in a real-life context (eg. cooking, calculating totals when shopping).
This website has a range of games to improve factual fluency in maths.
Other useful links
BBC Bitesize (KS2)
National Geographic kids
DK Find outs (Great for topic knowledge)

Year 6 Long Term Plan