Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

A very warm welcome to Year 3. Our classes are 3BP and 3G. 3G’s teacher is Mrs Gait and 3BP’s are Mr Birch and Mrs Pakes. The staff team also consists of Miss McQuillan, Mrs Dardouk and Miss O’Connell.  You can contact the team at

Mr Birch

Class Teacher

Mrs Pakes

Class Teacher

Mrs Gaits

Class Teacher

Miss O'Connell

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Dardouk

Teaching Assistant

Miss McQuillan

Teaching Assistant

Overview of Learning

Year 3 is lots of fun with great topics which the children find really engaging. The topics that we focus on include: Stone Age to Iron Age, Ancient Egyptians and Romans in Britain. In Science we will learn about light and shadow and magnets and forces. We include regular memorable moments such as visiting The British Museum, taking part in a Climate Change Workshop and getting stuck into Roman Day. 

Thursday is the PE day in Year 3 so children should come to school wearing their PE kit and this lesson will be delivered by the BeSports coaches.

Learn All About Year 3

We loved meeting so many families at our Meet the Teacher Event on Wednesday 2nd October 2024. Here are the presentation slides with lots of information about the year ahead. 

Copy of Year 3 Meet the Teachers .pptx


Homework is sent home on Monday and to be returned on the following Monday. This will consist of two 10-minute activities (one Maths and one English) in CGP books provided by the school. Children will also be given spellings to complete each week. 

Helping Your Child At Home

Reading and Writing

We use Sounds Write Phonics, a well-researched programme that enables children to decode (read) and encode (write/spell) every word they encounter.  

To help your child become a fluent reader, daily reading at home is a must.  The more your child reads the more fluent they will become.  We send home decodable book - linked to Sounds Write phonics - but also a book for pleasure, which you can read with or to them, so that they become familiar with different styles of books and stories.  

The Sounds Write app offers games and learning activities to do at home and is available to download for free here

Sounds Write offers a free parent course to help you support your child. There are a number of supporting documents below for top tips to encourage and promote Reading for Pleasure at home.  Please record in your child’s reading record each time you read so that we can see how your child is progressing at home; we also use this to communicate with you. 

To encourage Reading for Pleasure, you can use Oxford Owl to read and listen to a variety of books on the computer or I-pad! Each class will have a log in for the children to access more books and audiobooks at home. and go to ‘my class login’

Regular exposure to the Year 3 common exception words will help your child to read and write them independently. You can find a list of them in the handouts section below.


Supporting your child’s mathematical fluency is key for instant recall. Each child has a login for Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) and we encourage children to access this regularly throughout the week. 

You can also encourage your child to use their maths skills in a real-life context (eg. cooking, calculating totals when shopping). 

This website has a range of games to improve factual fluency in maths. 


Common Exception Words - Y3 and Y4.pdf
Ideas for encouraging your child to read for pleasure 2.docx
Talking about reading sheet for parents.docx
How to read a story to your child.docx

Year 3 Long Term Plan

Year 3 LTP 2024-2025.pdf