SEND & Inclusion
‘Every teacher is a teacher of SEND’ (Code of Practice 2014)
Ellingham Primary School is an inclusive mainstream primary school. We truly believe that ALL children should feel valued and experience success. The child is at the centre of everything we do.
Through Quality First Teaching and a highly skilled team, we offer support in the 4 main areas of need; Cognition and learning, Communication and Interaction, Physical and Sensory and Social, Emotional and Mental Health.
Interventions take place daily to support pupils who need additional support with their learning. These take place in and outside of the classroom with a member of the year group team. This is part of the quality first teaching we offer to all children.
The SENCo works closely with parents to ensure a strong link between home and school. Please contact Mrs Sephton through the school office if you would like to talk through any concerns
Inclusion Team
Mrs Sephton
SENCo and Wellbeing Lead
Mrs Malherbe
Parent and Pupil Support Worker and DSL (ELSA)
Mrs Davis
Teaching Assistant and ELSA
An Overview of our SEND Provision at Ellingham
Communication and Interaction
Trained teaching assistants who provide 1:1 support/SCIP/group interventions
Social skills and Social Thinking groups
Social stories
LEGO Therapy
Cognition & Learning
Teacher led interventions
Early Bird Interventions focusing on Pre-teach Maths/writing focus
Colourful Semantics
Number Sense Programme
Sounds Write programme
Daily reading
Targeted Phonic groups (KS1)
Social Emotional & Mental Health
PSHE – Jigsaw curriculum
Dramatherapy/Art therapy
Part of the Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
Year 6 Transition workshops led by MHST
Trained ELSAs supporting group and individual children
Zones of Regulation (whole school approach)
Wellbeing Lunchtime Club
Fortnightly Wellbeing assemblies led by SENCo
Year 6 Wellbeing Ambassadors
Physical & Sensory
Daily Sensory Circuits intervention (OT)
Sensory room
Movement breaks
Handwriting intervention groups (fine motor)
Sensory resources used in classrooms e.g. ear defenders, wobble cushions, bands on chairs
Extra-curricular clubs- football, cricket, karate, Drama
Mrs Sephton, SENCO, Mrs Malherbe, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Winn, Assistant Head and Mrs Davis are part of the safeguarding team, which is headed up by Mrs Keogh as Designated Safeguarding Lead, and are available to support families in times of need and are always approachable. The team will work with you and outside professionals, if needed to support you and your family. A meeting can be arranged via the school office or via email
See our Safeguarding Policy