Friday 24th May 2024
Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May
Monday 3rd June
Inset day
Tuesday 4th June
Children return
Tuesday 4th June to Friday 7th June
Year 6 Residential - Walton Firs
Thursday 6th June
Year 5 Girls Cricket Team Competition
Tuesday 11th June
Y6 Transition Day to King's Centre
Wednesday 12th June
Class Photos
Thursday 13th June
Y6 Leavers Ice Pop Sale
Friday 14th June
Mufti Day (sweets)
Tuesday 18th June
Year 4 and KS2 Choir performing at the Rose Theatre Singing Festival
Friday 21st June
Year 1 Class Assembly
Mufti Day (bottles)
Tuesday 25th June
Country Dance Festival Kingsmeadow
Wednesday 26th June
Year 4 - Hindu Temple Visit
Thursday 27th June
Year 5 Taster Day - Chessington School
Parents' Information Evening - New to Reception Families September 2024
Saturday 29th June
FOE Summer Fair
Monday 1st July
Year 4 - Cooking at Chessington School
Wednesday 3rd July
Year 6 children visiting their new secondary school (Kingston Schools)
Thursday 4th July
Year 4 - Visiting Hook Church
Friday 5th July
Reception Class Assembly
Monday 8th July to Friday 12th July
Culture week
Last week of clubs
Tuesday 9th July
Year 4 - Visiting Hook Library
Week commencing Monday 15th July
Reports go home
Tuesday 16th July
Year 6 Production (matinee performance - babies/siblings welcome)
Wednesday 17th July
Year 6 Production (evening performance)
Year 4 - Design Technology Day
Thursday 18th July
Drop in parent/carer evening
Friday 19th July
Year 4 - Ancient Greek Day
Monday 22nd July
Year 4 - Geography Field Trip
Tuesday 23rd July
Sports day
Wednesday 24th July
Year 6 Leavers Celebration
Last day of Term
Children are BACK TO SCHOOL on Tuesday 4th June
Year 6 Residential on Tuesday 4th June. Year 5 PE will swap to Friday on for this first week back.
Save the dates
Class Photos - 12th June
Mufti Day - Friday 14th and 21st June
FOE Summer Fair - 29th June
Sports Day - 23rd July
National Numeracy Day!
Ellingham explored number this week as the children took part in National Numeracy Day on Wednesday. The day was launched with an assembly where the children discussed Maths in everyday activities from driving to cooking and shopping. Each year group then had a fun number based activity including dancing, baking, budgeting, working out their age on different planets and even rapping. The children all enjoyed seeing number in a new light!
Ellingham's Groovy Shoes Days
It's the end of the Walk to School Week focus and the children have had a great time counting their points in class to celebrate their healthy approach to starting the day. The winners will be announced after half-term. Thank you for your support with this.
On Tuesday, we had fun by coming to school in groovy shoes.
Ellingham Summer Fair - Saturday29th June
Check your children's bags for the FoE summer fair raffle tickets and encourage them to sell as many as they can over half-term. This is a great fund-raiser for the school so, if you need more, there will be spare tickets available from the school office on request. There are some great prizes for all the family.
Tickets to Bocketts Farm
Tickets to Hobbledown
Family pass to Painshill
£20 Cook vouchers
£10 Chessington Garden voucher
The French Table voucher
Chessington Gym membership vouchers much more!
Compass Estate Agents are sponsoring the Summer Fair again this year so, if you are interested in having a board at your property, please return the slip on the letter sent by email or email FOE at
The Icing on The Cake Sale - Thank you
Thank you for your donations and support at the FoE Cake Sale.
Reception children iced cakes to sell at the cake sale and made posters to advertise it. They hope you enjoy them!
Nursery Visit the Post Box
This week the children have been learning about postal workers and some of the children wrote themselves a letter. They then went on a walk to the post box to post it and then waited for it to arrive.
Some of the children have already received their letters in the post!
Year 2 Round Britain Bake Off
Year 2 spent the morning baking as part of their Geography topic. They have been learning all about the UK and made a well-known dish from each of the four countries. The smell of Welsh cakes, soda bread, scones and oat cakes filled the classrooms and the children can't wait to taste their bakes at home!

Mental Health Support

Bereavement Support

Adult Education
Kingston Adult Education has a number of courses starting after half term, most of which are government funded so are free to learners. Take a look at their latest course guide for further details -
Courses include:
· How to be happy in your life
· Digital skills
· Job search support
· Explore your business potential
· Introduction to GCSE maths and English
· Preparing to work in schools
Their classes take place throughout the week at various times, both online and at centres across the Royal Borough of Kingston.
If you are looking to start a course in September, Kingston Adult Education is hosting an Open Day at the Rose Theatre in Kingston on Thursday 20th June from 10am to 4pm. Go along to find out about next year’s adult learning programme, which includes wellbeing, vocational, maths, English, digital as well as creative courses. You will also be able to meet some of their tutors and see their learners in action. Full details can be found on page 8 of their current course guide -
For further information, please contact Kingston Adult Education directly on 020 8547 6700 or at
This is the full safeguarding team in school. They are all trained to Level 3 and everyone in the school received the annual update of Safeguarding Level 2 training at INSET.
Contact details: 020 8397 3864 or email: to request a safeguarding call back. For pupil support, contact 020 8397 3864 or email: