Science at Ellingham
At Ellingham, we aim to develop the children’s understanding of the world around them. We encourage all children to develop their natural curiosity and become excited and inspired about nature, our world and scientific processes. Children develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in science and are encouraged to ask their own questions. Our aims are that all children in our school, regardless of educational need, will have direct access to high quality teaching in science, delivered from a well-resourced and structured subject base.
Supporting your child at home
Science is all around us and many activities you regularly do at home can support meaningful science opportunities!
Find learning in everyday activities and build on your child's interests e.g. Build a den, create from Lego, prepare meals, watch a wildlife documentary together, visit the library to research their interests
Take a trip to a science museum, a zoo or an aquarium.
Go exploring- You can discover a lot of science in the world around you. A simple walk to the park, a trip to some woods or the coast or exploring weather patterns will open up possibilities to explore the natural world and nature.
Get creative - Make science models out of things you find around the home or outdoors. Look up fun, practical science experiments you can do at home with everyday objects.
One of the most supportive things you can do is to be a partner in your child's investigations and thinking. Think out loud or describe what you are doing as you do it, whether it is cooking, fixing something, taking care of pets, or other housework. Ask questions, even when you do not know the answer!
We use IPROF in our science teaching and pupils understand the different types of scientific enquiry.