Ellingham School Uniform
Ready for Learning
Being smart on the outside makes us feel smart and ready to learn on the inside. Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct uniform from top to toe. Label all items of clothing, including coats as unlabelled clothes are indistinguishable from each other!
School Uniform Expectations
Ellingham sweatshirt / cardigan (available from PMG School wear shop, Chessington)
White polo shirt
Grey trousers / skirt / tunic
Sensible black shoes with Velcro fastenings (no laces please)
Warm, waterproof coat as we go out in all weathers! An Ellingham school coat is available, but not essential
Optional summer uniform: Blue check summer dress / grey shorts
*Please only purchase second-hand items from the school uniform sales where we ensure that they have our correct logo*
PE Uniform Expectations
White t-shirt with Ellingham logo
Blue sports shorts
Additional school items
Book bag
PE bag
Water bottle
A sun hat
For new starters: you can choose one of these items for free on completion of the AfC FSM eligibility form