Friday 15th November 2024
Tuesday 19th November to Friday 22nd November
Scholastic book fair
Tuesday 19th November
Reception and Year 6 - National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)
Thursday 21st and Tuesday 26th November
New to reception open morning at 9.20 am
Thursday 21st November
Year 2 Christmas Journey
Friday 22nd November
Mufti Day - chocolates
Friday 29th November
Mufti Day - sweets
Year 4 National Portrait Gallery Trip
Thursday 5th December
Choir Performance at Hook Library
Friday 6th December
Christmas Fair (children only during school day)
Tuesday 10th December
Choir Performance at Star & Garter
Wednesday 11th December
Reception, Year 1, 2 and 3 Christmas Play
Thursday 12th December
Choir Performance at Chessington Garden Centre
ABM Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day
Friday 13th December
Year 5 Class Assembly
Tuesday 17th December
Year 5 - Robin Hood & the Christmas Heist (Rose Theatre)
Wednesday 18th December
Christmas event - Nursery parents
Thursday 19th December
Choir Performance at John Lewis
Evening Christmas Concert at Chessington
Friday 20th December
Last day of term (early finish)
Monday 23rd December to Friday 3rd January
Christmas break
Monday 6th January
Inset Day
Tuesday 7th January
Children return to school
NEXT WEEK: School Book Fair
Next week, Monday 18th November, the Scholastic Book Fair will be arriving at school with hundreds of new children’s books to browse and buy. There are over 200 titles for you and your child to choose from and, with prices starting from only £2.99, there’s sure to be a book for everyone.
Each class will have the opportunity to browse through the books during school time. The book fair will be held in the library and will be open to parents after school to purchase books from 3.10pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
You can buy books in a number of ways:
· Using the card payment machine at the book fair
· With cash at the book fair
· If you cannot attend the fair, you can purchase a gift card for your child online or make a payment in advance at Your child must bring in a copy of the email receipt and they can choose a book
Every purchase you make will help the school earn free books but we do understand if you cannot purchase books at this time. We will be keeping a note of the books that children really like and we will purchase some of these for our library so that all the children will benefit from this book fair.
Road safety week
This week is road safety week where the children will be learning the importance of keeping safe of the roads. Please continue to talk to your children about how to keep safe on the way to school.
Poster competition
As part of road safety week we are running a be bright be seen poster competition which some children have already started. The poster needs to be clear and informative on how and why to be bright be seen when out at night.
Christmas is Coming
We are ready for Christmas at Ellingham. Get the dates booked in your diary!
On Friday 6th December we start with our Christmas Fair, which will run during the day in school time. All classes will be taken to join in the fun to have a go on the tombola, and game stalls to win prizes, plus a session creating some Christmas crafts. Tickets will be available on Arbor shortly. Raffle tickets will be appearing in children's bags from next week.
On Thursday 12th December, Santa's Grotto will be open to help the children celebrate Christmas Jumper Day and the Christmas lunch, with crackers, decoration and pudding provided by Friends of Ellingham. Thanks so much to Friends of Ellingham for organising this. Any further volunteers for the day, please let FOE know:
School performances are booked! Reception, Year 1, 2 and 3 will perform their Christmas play at 9.15am and 2.15pm, Wednesday 11th December. Year 4, 5 and 6 will perform a Christmas Concert in Chessington School Theatre at 6.30pm, Thursday 19th December. Two tickets per family will be allocated for both events. We will let you know when tickets are available and they will be allocated on a first come. first served basis as we need to manage the numbers in the hall and theatre from a health and safety perspective.
The choir will be visiting various venues - Star and Garter, Chessington Garden Centre, Hook Library and John Lewis - delighting audiences with their lovely singing. Dates are in the Diary Dates section of this newsletter.
Nursery Keep The Garden Tidy
The children have been exploring fireworks and make some pictures by flicking paint. We also learnt a firework song and talking about fireworks we had seen.
The children have also been helping in the garden to dig the planters and sweeping the leaves. They also found a very long worm.
Welcome to Reception Parents
In Reception this week, the children were very excited to welcome their parents into their phonic lesson. The children demonstrated to their parents how they build a word by sounding out the correct spelling and showed them how to play a game of sound swap. Parents gave their children a round of applause when they saw how confident our early readers are.
The feedback was great:
"It was lovely to be invited in to see the lesson in action and it is really useful to see how the children learn so that I can help my child at home."
English meets PE in Year 1!
Year 1 had to practise their balancing skills this week as they took on a balance course in PE. This helped them think of verbs for their writing in English for how a character would move when they lost their balance. The children came up with some great vocabulary including wobbled, shook, wiggled and tumbled.
Year 2 Are Hotting Up
This term year 2 are learning about the Great Fire of London. We went back in time to 1666 and acted out what we would do in various situations. How would we help put out the fire? Where would we escape to? How would we move through the narrow streets in the dark? It was great fun, and we understood what it would have been like to be there.
Year 3 Pop Up
Year 3 have been thoroughly enjoying creating pop- up- card as part of our Design and Technology lessons. Our 3D designs use paper folds to make a pop up cake birthday cakes. Next, we will use these skills to design, create and evaluate pop up Christmas cards of their own choice.
Viking DayYear 5
Just before half term, Year 5 had a fun-filled Viking Day at school. We dressed up as Vikings and during the day we made Viking shields, finished off weaving our Viking sails and also made Viking pancakes (which were delicious). We had so much fun!
It Takes Allsort in Year 6
In Science Year 6 have been busy creating classification keys to sort Liquorice Allsorts! They looked carefully at the characteristics of the sweets, such as shape, appearance and texture, and then chose yes or no questions to help group them. Afterwards, they tested each other's keys to see if they worked.
Inner Thoughts of Year 6
Year 6 are enjoying their new text 'Rose Blanche' which is set during WW2. In groups, they explored the perspective of different characters by re-enacting a key scene, considering the inner thoughts of each character and what they might say.
Sporting Heroes
Children have been representing Ellingham Primary School at a number of sports tournaments. We are so proud of the children: the indoor athletics team managed to achieve a bronze award; the Year 5 and 6 football team lost on penalties to come second; and the Year 1 and 2 football team came first.
We celebrated the value of respect this week, leading the week with an assembly on Remembrance and an assembly and odd sock day for Anti-Bullying week. The children were impressively respectful.

This is the full safeguarding team in school. They are all trained to Level 3 and everyone in the school received the annual update of Safeguarding Level 2 training at INSET.
Contact details: 020 8397 3864 or email: to request a safeguarding call back. For pupil support, contact 020 8397 3864 or email:
Rose Theatre is excited to announce our Reception open day on the 17th of November.
Join us for an open day for your little ones to try out our Rose Youth Theatre Academy Act 1 reception class with a short workshop for them and a Q&A and cuppa for you!
The schedule for the day will be as follows:
9am to 10:15 am
9 - 9:15 - Welcome/ introduction to the rose
9:15 to 9:45 - Children in gallery with director/ Parents Q&A and Cuppa
9:45 to 10 - Parents come in to observe
10 to 10:15 - Thank you for coming and goodbyes!
10:15 am to 11:15am
10:15 - 10:30 - Welcome/ introduction to the rose
10:30 to 10:50 - Children in gallery with director / Parents Q&A and Cuppa
10:50 to 11 - Parents come in to observe
11 to 11:15 - Thank you for coming and goodbyes!
Please pick one session that you would like to attend and fill out the details in the form below!
RYTA Act 1 - Reception Open Day Sign Up Form
We can't wait to see you and your little ones at the Rose soon!