Friday 19th April 2024
Thursday 18th April to 16th May
Year 4 Swimming Lessons
Monday 22nd April
Author Visit - Rob Biddulph
Friday 26th April
Year 4 Class Assembly
Monday 6th May
Bank Holiday
Thursday 9th May
Year 5 Trip - Science Museum
Friday 10th May
Year 5 Class Assembly
Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May
Year 6 SATs
Monday 20th May to Friday 24th May
Walk to School Week
Monday 20th May
Year 5 - Barnes Literature Festival at the Rose Theatre
Friday 24th May
Last day of term
Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May
Monday 3rd June
Inset day
Tuesday 4th June
Children return
Tuesday 4th June to Friday 7th June
Year 6 Residential - Walton Firs
Wednesday 12th June
Class Photos
Tuesday 18th June
Year 4 and KS2 Choir performing at the Rose Theatre Singing Festival
Friday 21st June
Year 1 Class Assembly
Wednesday 3rd July
Year 6 children visiting their new secondary school (Kingston School's)
Monday 8th July to Friday 12th July
Culture week
Week commencing Monday 15th July
Reports go home
Thursday 18th July
Drop in parent/carer evening
Wednesday 24th July
Year 6 Leavers Assembly
Year 6 Leavers Celebration
Last day of Term
Year 4 Assembly
Parents and carers are invited to Year 4's assembly on Friday 26th April. Click to book your space. Tea and coffee will be served in the library and will be available after drop-off. We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate Year 4's wonderful learning.
Author Rob Biddulph Visit
Monday 22nd April morning
After School Clubs
Start on Monday 22nd April
Welcome to the Summer Term
The first week of the summer term hasn't quite blessed us with summer weather but the children were delighted to be back and were buzzing with anticipation; some for exciting trips and events, like the farm trip, the author visit on Monday and year group assemblies, and others for new topics and new challenges of the curriculum. It is always lovely to see the maturity of our Year 6 children, who really focus with determination to do their best for the end of year SATs. We want them to do well for themselves and achieve their potential but, however they do, we are so proud of how hard they are working and how ambitious they are for themselves.
There is always lots to look forward to in the summer term for everyone, including the weather hopefully. Welcome back!
Author Rob Biddulph in School on Monday
We are delighted that Rob Biddulph is coming into school on Monday to talk about his books, both the writing and the illustrations. The children will get the opportunity to create an illustration in the assembly.
The books which you have ordered have been delivered. They will be signed by him and given out on Monday. There are just a few left over which will be sold at the end of the day.
CALM Competition Time!
In this week’s Wellbeing assembly, children learnt about the different parts of the brain and how ,when the amygdala (the brain’s emotional centre) takes over, we can 'Flip our Lids'. We showed a video that illustrates this.
As part of being an Attachment Aware School, we would like children to design a poster explaining our CALM Approach, which is about how we manage when we do flip our lids.
Make a plan
Children should make their posters informative, clear and vibrant. Two successful entries will be chosen to be displayed around our school. Please use A4 paper.
Good luck- we can’t wait to see them. Please return your posters to Mrs Sephton by Friday 26th April.
Children to Wear School Uniform
All children in class today have been advised that they need to wear black school shoes, not trainers. The school is ordering more black plimsolls and children in trainers will be asked to wear them. Jewellery, make up, including false nails and nail varnish, are not part of the school uniform.
PE kit should be a white t-shirt, blue shorts and plimsolls or trainers. Black or blue track suit bottoms can be worn when the weather is cold.
Collection in The Playground
Please ensure that children do not climb on the school play equipment after school. They are not allowed to be unsupervised on the equipment and outside of school hours.
Dogs are not allowed on the school grounds, apart from assistance dogs. Please leave them at home or they outside of the school gates.
Reception Trip to Bocketts Farm
Reception had a thrilling day at the farm and were keen to tell us all about the animals they saw on their return.
Battle of the Boroughs Competition at Richmond & Kew Football Ground
Well done to Ellingham Year 5 football team! The boys reached the final but eventually lost 2-0 despite a fantastic performance.
Year 4 - Learning about sound
This week, Year 4 started their new science topic about sound. They went on a sound investigation around the school to evaluate the different sounds they could hear in contrasting environments. The children discovered that sounds are all around them and are created by vibrations.
Our Fantastic Year 6
Our year 6 children are working hard in the lead up to their SATs. All year 6 children are invited to attend morning SATs boosters and, as you can see, they are having lots of fun on the chrome books as they play targeted games to help them revise maths concepts! It is a brilliant way to get motivated for the day!
Thank you to all the parents for ensuring their children are at school bright and early.

ADHD Research

Mental Health Support

This is the full safeguarding team in school. They are all trained to Level 3 and everyone in the school received the annual update of Safeguarding Level 2 training at INSET.
Contact details: 020 8397 3864 or email: to request a safeguarding call back. For pupil support, contact 020 8397 3864 or email: