
Friday 17th January 2025



Thursday 23rd January

Year 2 Trip to the Hook Library

Tuesday 28th January

Year 3 Trip to the British Museum


Thursday 30th and Friday 31st January

Year 5 and Year 6 Cake Sale


Friday 7th February

Year 3 Class Assembly


Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th February

Parent Consultations


Friday 14th February

Last day of half-term

Mufti day - Love Ellingham


Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February

February half-term break

Monday 24th February

Children return to school

Tuesday 11th March

Year 5 Trip to the King's Centre 


Friday 14th March

Year 4 Class Assembly


Thursday 20th and Friday 21st March

Year 3 and 4 Cake Sale

Friday 21st March

Year 2 Class Assembly


Friday 4th April

Last day of term (early finish)


Monday 7th April to Monday 21st April

Easter break


Tuesday 22nd April

Children return to school 


Thursday 23rd January

Year 2 Trip to the Hook Library

Tuesday 28th January

Year 3 Trip to the British Museum


Thursday 30th and Friday 31st January

Year 5 and Year 6 Cake Sale


Enter Our Artist of the Month Competition 

We are very excited to announce our new Artist of the Month competition at Ellingham!  Each month, as a school, we will look at a different artist from around the world. At home, the children can then respond to the artist in any way they choose and use any media to do this (such as paint, pastels, collage or pencils). 

Each entry will receive 2 house points and there will be a winning entry for KS1 and KS2 - both receiving 10 house points and their work proudly displayed in school. 

Please encourage your child to enter this exciting competition by 31st January. 

This Month's Artist - Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse (1869-1954) was a French artist known for his use of bright colours and a leading figure in modern art.  When he became unwell, he  began to cut into painted paper, which he called 'painting with scissors', to create huge collages.  

For more inspiration, here are some links that tell you more about the artist.  

Henri Matisse Abstract Art Narrated Digital Storybook for Kids

How to create an Henri Matisse collage for kids

Matisse at the Tate Gallery


Nursery Go On A Bear Hunt

The children in Nursery have come back very happy and engaged. We have been welcoming some new children into the class who have all settled in really well. We have been reading 'Going on a Bear Hunt' using props to retell the story and looking at books independently in the book corner.

Reporting from Reception  

Children in Reception practise their oracy and writing skills through role play.  We are not sure what the reports are about but we should be careful!

Year 1 - Future Olympians?

Year 1 have been working hard to learn the features of a biography and have been writing their own all about Florence Joyner. Florence won 3 gold medals in 1988 and her world record for running 100m in 10:49 seconds is still unbeaten! This means she can run 10m in 1.049 seconds. The children tried their best to beat this with some children speeding over the finish line in under 3 seconds!

Egyptian Mummies in Year 3 

As part of their Ancient Egypt topic, Year 3 have been learning the process of mummification.  They acted out the mummification process by washing the body then using a hook to remove their brains. Next, the lungs, liver, stomach and intestines were taken out and put in canopic jars.  After, the body was dried in salt for 40 days and finally wrapped in linen and a death mask was put in place.  

What's the Matter Year 4? 

This week, Year 4 have been investigating solids and liquids. The children were asked, “if sand and flour can be poured, are they liquids?” Using resources and scientific enquiry, the children tried to explore the differences between these two states of matter and define them. 

In computing, the classes have been recording weather data on spreadsheets. This week they were tasked with creating a measuring device that would record either wind speed, rainfall or temperate. 

Year 5 - Cool as Ice! 

Parents and children alike were delighted by Year 5's entertaining assembly, which provided key facts about Arctica and Antarctica.  Their rendition of 'Ice, Ice Baby', adapted to tell the tale of the poles, was such fun that we had to hear it again. 

Well done to the children and teachers. 


Year 6 Explore Evolution

On Tuesday, Year 6 visited the Natural History Museum to find out more about their science topic - Evolution and Inheritance. They learnt what evolution is, how and why it happens and had the opportunity to get hands-on with specimens to work out for themselves why these changes occur. 

All the children were fantastic Ellingham representatives and we are extremely proud of them! 


This is the full safeguarding team in school. They are all trained to Level 3 and everyone in the school received the annual update of Safeguarding Level 2 training at INSET.   

Contact details: 020 8397 3864 or email: to request a safeguarding call back. For pupil support, contact 020 8397 3864 or email:  

Lisa Keogh

Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Jacqui Malherbe

Pupil Support & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Sally Sephton

SENDCO & Designated Teacher (LAC/PLAC) Safeguarding Team Member

Esme Winn

Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Team Member

Lorraine Davis

Pupil Support & Designated Safeguarding Team Member

Natalie Harris

Dan Martin

Designated Governors for Safeguarding and Child Protection

ASD support group Feb 25.doc.pdf
2024_25- Helping children series flier.pdf