
Friday 17th May 2024



Monday 20th May to Friday 24th May

Walk to School Week

Monday 20th May

Year 5 - Barnes Literature Festival at the Rose Theatre

Tuesday 21st May

Groovy Shoes Day

Wednesday 22nd May

Coffee Morning with EWP

Numeracy Day 

Thursday 23rd May

Year 4 Swimming Lessons

Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Cake Sale

Friday 24th May

Year 6 Junior Road Watch

Last day of term

Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May


Monday 3rd June

Inset day

Tuesday 4th June

Children return

Tuesday 4th June to Friday 7th June

Year 6 Residential - Walton Firs

Wednesday 12th June

Class Photos

Friday 14th June

Mufti Day (sweets)

Tuesday 18th June

Year 4 and KS2 Choir performing at the Rose Theatre Singing Festival

Friday 21st June

Year 1 Class Assembly

Mufti Day (bottles)

Thursday 27th June

Year 5 Taster Day - Chessington School

Parents' Information Evening - New to Reception Families September 2024

Saturday 29th June

FOE Summer Fair

Wednesday 3rd July

Year 6 children visiting their new secondary school (Kingston Schools)

Friday 5th July

Reception Class Assembly

Monday 8th July to Friday 12th July

Culture week

Week commencing Monday 15th July

Reports go home

Tuesday 16th July

Year 6 Production (matinee performance - babies/siblings welcome)

Wednesday 17th July

Year 6 Production (evening performance)

Thursday 18th July

Drop in parent/carer evening

Tuesday 23rd July

Sports day

Wednesday 24th July 

Year 6 Leavers Celebration

Last day of Term


Cake sale

Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 cake sale on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May in the playground after school.

Save the dates


Amazing and Determined 

Year 6 

We celebrated the value of determination in assembly this morning and dedicated the celebration award to our wonderful Year 6s after a week of SATs tests.  We could not have been more proud.  

Every single one of them turned up on time, with positive attitudes and a full commitment to do their absolute best.  The teachers have worked so hard to support children in making progress in their learning but also instilling a can-do attitude.  All of us at Ellingham recognise that children are more than their test results and these Year 6 children are role models to the rest of the school in so many other ways through their calm and kindness, through their fun and inclusivity and their engagement in wanting to be the best they can be.  

Well done Year 6!  There are more pictures below.

Keep Your Children Safe On-Line

With so many children having access to smartphones it is important that parents and carers engage and have oversight in what they have access to.  Over the years, the school has experienced more  concerning instances of over what children are viewing and posting and who they may be engaging with on-line. 

There is lots of information available to help you with this.


Next Week: Walk to School Week

We are taking part in WOW’s Walk to School week with the theme of the magic of walking. Everyday there is a different focus, such as the magic of nature or the magic of friendship.

If you do drive to school, please park just a little further away so the children can walk in as the winning classes get a lovely prize of time at Chessington's climbing wall or a visit to the park. Suggested distances are; from around about the post box in Bolton road, Chessington South station or the doctors in Merritt Gardens. 

Don't Forget Groovy Shoes Day

No high heels, football boots,heelies  sliders or flip flops

NUMERACY DAY - Next Wednesday 22nd May - Please Volunteer

If your job involves the use of maths in any way, we would like to invite you in to talk to the children so that they can see just how purposeful maths is in a career.  We know that maths comes into many jobs - weighing and measuring in catering or building; shapes and angles in architecture or interior design - not just those that are mostly about numbers - accountancy, mechanical engineers, economists.  We would love to welcome you in.  

Nursery Playground Refresh

A big thank you to the Nursery parents who came in to start work on the Nursery playground refresh. The large shed has been emptied ready to be relocated and the sandpit has been removed.  The next project is painting the fence!

Watch this space for further developments and new experiences for the children to enjoy.

Ellingham Summer Fair - Saturday29th June

Raffle tickets will be circulated soon with lots of amazing prizes and we are delighted that Compass Estate Agents are sponsoring the Summer Fair again this year. If you are interested in having a board at your property please return the slip on the  letter sent by email or email FOE at

Put the date in your diary for Ellingham's Summer Fair.  It will feature stalls, bouncy castles and with music from the local DJ. 

The success of our summer fair is the result of our whole community working together so watch out for information from your class representative and sign up to help out.  Every Little Helps.

SEN coffee morning

It was so good to have the opportunity to host our first session for parents and carers of children with SEN.  We shared our approach and had lots of useful discussion around strategies. 

One of the most useful elements of the day was that families could get together and know that they have a community that they can connect with. 

Please look out for future events

Next Wednesday 22nd May, the Mental Health Support Team will be hosting an event focusing on Resilience. 


Nursery Fighting Fire

In the nursery we have been continuing to learn about people who help us and this week we learnt about firefighters. The children got dressed up and went to put out fires around the garden and also used some water squirters to put out some numbered flames. 


The children have also been enjoying exploring the mud kitchen. They mix in water and make some delicious mud pies and cakes. 

Reception Planting Tomatoes

As part of our farm topic, Reception are learning about where our food comes from. We have looked at how fruit and vegetables have to be grown in large fields and greenhouses so there is enough for all the shops. We have planted our own tomatoes to see how easy it is to grow your own food.

Year 1 Busy Bees

Year 1 have been learning about bees and have created their own fact file which they took down to Reception class to share their knowledge.  

Year 2 Stream Strolling

Year 2 ventured to the Bonesgate Stream this week as part of their Geography topic. They visited the stream which is a tributary to the River Thames. The children spotted lots of human and physical geography and did a traffic count using their data collection skills they have learnt in Computing.

Year 3 Flowering

Acting out the life cycle of a flowering plant.

Year 3 Poets

Reading nature haikus poetry to the class.

Year 4 River Exploration

This week, Year 4 have been exploring some of the more detailed features of a river. The children created a river basin, spring, mountain stream, channel, valley, floodplain, lake, estuary and coastline. They did a brilliant job and even added some information to support their sculpture. 

Year 5 Assembly

Year 5 Trip to Science 

On Thursday, Year 5 enjoyed a rather warm trip to the Science Museum. They enjoyed walking around the exhibitions, completing a treasure hunt for different space related artefacts. However, none of us could find the coke can! 

Year 6 SATs week  - Message from Year 6 Teachers

We are so incredibly proud of our year 6 children who have worked so hard to achieve their best in SATs this week.


We have enjoyed seeing them bright and early each morning this week for a delicious breakfast with their friends. It has been a fabulous way to relax, catch up with classmates and start each day positively. Their positivity and resilience has been inspiring! After working so hard, the children very much deserved their treat of ice-lollies and rounders in the sunshine. 


Year 6 are now very excited to begin rehearsals for their end of year production... WONDERLAND!


4028 MHST coffee invite 9 May.pdf
Parents letter Open water (002).pdf
Managing anger seminar flyer.docx June 24.pdf

Bereavement Support

Parent Carer Support Group Ad (1).pdf

Mental Health Support

MHST parent drop ins poster.pdf

This is the full safeguarding team in school. They are all trained to Level 3 and everyone in the school received the annual update of Safeguarding Level 2 training at INSET.   

Contact details: 020 8397 3864 or email: to request a safeguarding call back. For pupil support, contact 020 8397 3864 or email:  


Celebrate Chessington 2024.pdf
Tiffin - Open Evening Year 7.pdf
FFD Rutsfest 2024_A4.pdf
scan_melissa abbott_2024-04-18-16-18-01.pdf
Music in Kingston A4 Poster DIGI.pdf
TEN_Flyer 2024 Chessington_02.jpg
Young scientist flyer.pdf

Join the Kingston Music Service and a host of the most exciting music makers in the Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames for an afternoon of performances, workshops, and exhibitions, 12.00-15.00 on Saturday 18th May. Held in the glorious surroundings of All Saints Church, Kingston, this is an opportunity for young people and adults alike to explore a breadth of what the borough has to offer, from listening to short performances, to taking part in free workshops, or even having a go at a brand new instrument. Entrance is free, and more information can be found on our website: