
Friday 6th October 2023



Thursday 12th October

Year 4 Trip - Natural History Museum

Friday 13th October 

Year 6 Class Assembly

FOE Spooky Disco

Saturday 14th October

New to reception 2024 open morning - 10 am

Monday 16th October

Individual and Sibling Photos

Year 5 DT day

Tuesday 17th October

Year 2 Trip - Kingston Museum

Thursday 19th October

Year 4 Trip - Sir Francis Recreation Ground

Year 5 Viking Day

Friday 20th October

Harvest Festival Assembly

Last day of half-term

Monday 23rd to Friday 27th October


Monday 30th October 

Inset Day

Tuesday 31st October

Children Return

Secondary School Application Deadline

Monday 6th November

Year 6 Trip - Imperial War Museum

Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th November

Parent Consultation & SEN Review

Tuesday 14th November

Nasal Flu Immunisation

Monday 20th to Friday 24th November

Book Fair

Thursday 23rd November

Year 2 Christmas Journey - King Centre

Friday 15th December

Christmas Fair and Performance

Wednesday 20th December

ABM Christmas Lunch 

Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 21st December

Last day of term (early finish)

Friday 22nd December to Friday 5th January

Christmas Holidays

Monday 8th January


Tuesday 9th January

Children return



Open Morning, 10am Saturday 14th October 

If you know someone with a child wanting a place in Reception next year, please recommend that they come along to visit our Open Morning or book a tour of the school via the school office

Invitation to Year 6 Assembly: 9am, Friday, 13th October

Please come along to watch your Year 6's assembly to the whole school. 

Refreshments will be available in the school hall from 8.45 am.

Book your Spooky Disco Ticket 

Don't forget to buy a Spooky Disco Ticket for Friday 13th October.  Please put your money in an envelope with your child's name and class on and post in the friends of Ellingham's post box in the office.

Parent Invite - Reception, Year 1 and 2: 9am,Monday 16 October 

Mastering Number parent workshop 2023.pdf

Curriculum Event Presentations Here

If you missed our Curriculum Event last week, please find the presentations below. If you have any specific questions for your year group, then the teacher will be happy to help.   

Year 1 Curriculum Meeting Link

Year 2 Curriculum Meeting Link

Year 3 Curriculum Meeting Link

Year 4 Curriculum Meeting Link

Year 5 Curriculum Meeting Link

Year 6 Curriculum Meeting Link

Reading for Pleasure 

We are looking for volunteers to come in and read with our pupils on a regular basis. If you would like to help, please contact the school office with your availability. 

Friends of Ellingham Fundraising

Don't miss the change to have yours child's artwork turned into beautiful Christmas cards mugs, gift labels or tea towels and raise money with £1 donated from every purchase to the school.

Your child(ren) have brought home information today on this

Success - Go Ellingham!

Our Year 4 boys made us so proud with a spectacular set of results in the recent football tournament against other Kingston schools.  In their three group games, they won 3-0, 8-0, 4-0 and in the quarter and semi-finals they won 3-0 and 1-0 sadly losing out on the title in the final. 

Our Year 5/6 mixed basketball team won three games out of four in their group stage at the recent Kingston tournament losing to the team, who won the whole tournament.  They came fourth overall and we are very proud of their efforts. 

Attendance Is Key To Maximising Attainment

One of this year's school priorities is to raise attendance.  School is the place where we build life-skills, life-long friendships and preparing your child for future success; missing school affects your child's ability to achieve to their highest potential. 

We are working closely with the Education Welfare Officer, Amanda Johnson (pictured), to support any families that need help with achieving full attendance.  See guidance from Kingston here.


Green-Fingered Reception Class

Reception children worked hard to weed the school garden bed by the playground entrance and planted some gorgeous plants.  They did such a fantastic job, they should be proud of their efforts and we expect some of them to be gardeners of the future. 

Thank you to parents who have commented on how lovely it looks.

Year 2 Investigate Living Things while...

In science, Year 2 have been researching living things and their habitats. They learnt about world habitats and how different animals and plants are suitably adapted to live in each environment.  

Amazing writing skills are on show through all lessons too! 

...Year 3 Investigate Rocks and Soils

Year 3 have been fascinated by their science topic on 'Rocks and Soils'. 

This week, the children used observations and fair, comparative tests to identify the hardness, destiny and permeability of different rocks. 

Monster Mayhem for Year 2

Year 2 had a shock on Wednesday morning when they arrived to trashed classrooms! Luckily Mrs Malherbe was an eye-witness and was able to answer lots of their questions. 

A blue, fluffy monster believed to go by the name of Mr Underbed was seen rampaging through the classrooms and then stealing biscuits from the staffroom. The children have created wanted posters to warn everybody and will be setting up a trap next week. 

In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for any monster mischief! 

Inspired by Mr Underbed, Year 2 got their hands dirty this week as they become sculptors. The children used their own designs to create a clay model of a monster and used a range of tools to create patterns and texture. 

They are excited about bringing them to life next week by painting them. 

Computing Gets Real for Year 4

Every week Rick from CITL, our IT support provider, comes in to support teachers and adults in school with their computer and server issues and queries. This week he came in to answer all of Year 4's questions about network systems. 

The children have been learning about what the internet is made up of and how it works. Once he had kindly answered all of our queries, Rick took the children in small groups to the server room and we were able to see how the Ellingham network operates and see the electronic communications in real time. 


Referrals poster.pdf
Helping children with Resilience.pdf
'Helping children with...' series .pdf

This is the full safeguarding team in school. They are all trained to Level 3 and everyone in the school received the annual update of Safeguarding Level 2 training at INSET.   

Contact details: 020 8397 3864 or email: to request a safeguarding call back. For pupil support, contact 020 8397 3864 or email:  


Kingston Music Service: STARTter groups - Learn the violin, trumpet, clarinet and recorder

Kingston Music Service are very happy to announce the start of their new beginner groups for Violin, Trumpet, Clarinet and Recorder. Members of the new STARter Groups are all beginners. They will learn together, sing together and have fun together. Groups will start in September at our Tolworth Music Centre and will mix learning a new instrument, with singing and musical games - for the low cost of £8 for a 45min class plus instrument hire at £19 per term (if needed). For those in receipt of Universal Credit free instrument hire and contact us for a reduction in group fees.

For more details click here.

Autumn half term advanced touch-typing course for 8 - 16s

Mon 23 - Thur 26 October; 10:00 - 12:15 pm daily

St Joseph's RC Primary School, Kingston

Learn to type 40+ words per minute using correct fingers and posture.  Beginners to advanced typists, warmly welcome.  Typing's Cool mixes formal technique with gaming apps to make learning efficient and fun.

£176.00 Child care vouchers accepted. (10% sibling/ bring a friend discount).Duke of Edinburgh skills assessor.   

Apply at