Thursday 21st December 2023
Monday 8th January
Tuesday 9th January
Children return
Tuesday 16th January
Year 6 Trip - Natural History Museum
Friday 9th February
Last day of half-term
Monday 12th to Friday 16th February
Monday 19th February
Children Return
Child Care Holiday Cover: Book Your Space Harlequins Holiday Playscheme at Ellingham in January
From the Tuesday 2nd to Friday 5th January, Harlequins Foundation’s will be running a healthy holiday programme at Ellingham School, from 10am-2pm. A range of activities will be delivered by an experienced team of staff and a hot lunch. Activities will include: Tag Rugby, Rugby Tots, our world first coding experience, Kwik Cricket, Invasion Games, Team Building Activities and much more.
Paid places are available for £25 per day. Please book here for places.
It is also FREE to young people, aged 5 -14 and in receipt of benefit related free school meals. Please book here: Eligible Free Places. When booking you will be asked for your child’s unique 17 digit FUEL code which will always start with a K or R, for example, K16L123456789101A. The school office have emailed this to you.
Further information is available from the school office or email
Parent Governor Vacancy
The Governing body have a vacancy for a parent governor and are seeking nominations for an enthusiastic and committed parents or carers to join the
governing board.
The core functions of the governing board are to:
Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Hold senior leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation, its pupils, and the performance management of staff
Oversee the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
The term of office for all governors is four years.
Please see letter here from the Chair of Governors for more information and a form to complete for nominations.
Wrap Around Care
The local authority have asked that parents complete this survey (this link )in relation to wraparound childcare, to support their planning for September 2024.
🎄Christmas Special 🎄
The autumn term is over and we can all look forward to the fun and frolicking of the festive season. The children have had a lovely few weeks building up to Christmas concerts, choir and performances but, in the usual Ellingham way, have remained calm and respectful and you should be so proud of them.
We wish you all a fantastic holiday season.
Christmas Lunch and Jumper day
Thank you to the catering staff who served up a magnificent feast for Christmas lunch. The atmosphere was jolly and the children loved being served by their teachers and them sitting down with them to share their lunchtime. The range of Christmas jumpers really added to the festive season.
A Fe-Fi-Fo Fun Time at the Pantomime
A big thank you to the Friends of Ellingham for paying for the pantomime 'Jack & Jill and the Beanstalk' this week. The children had a lovely afternoon. There were songs, puppets and a dancing cow!
Reindeer Run Success
Well done to Year 2 who have completed their running challenge and raising just over £100 for RNLI. The children were able to get outside every day in December (except one due to bad weather) and ran or walked between 1 and 2 miles each day. In total they made it to 20 miles but with Miss Peart and Miss Buddin running some evenings, the team managed a total of 30 miles and with playtime and PE lessons, we have no doubt the children reached their target of 24 miles. The teachers were so proud of their efforts and awarded the children with their very own Reindeer Run medal!
Year 2 Christmas Christingles
Year 2 continued their learning on advent this week and made their very own Christingles. They learnt what each part represented and why they are important to Christians.
Year 2 Christmas crafts & getting messy in DT
Year 2 finished their DT projects this week with some fun cardboard chaos and enjoyed getting messy recreating thatched roofs with hay and straw. They also had lots of fun doing some Christmas crafts and making beautiful Christmas tree pictures.
Reception working together
As well as lots of Christmas counting and dot-to-dots this week, Reception have been learning all about shape and space by making large floor puzzles. It is also a great way to learn how to work cooperatively!
Fundraising Efforts
Thanks to your involvement in Xmas4Schools you have raised over £100 for the school. We hope that your friends and family enjoy the cards and gifts designed by your children.
Raffle Prize Winners
Congratulations to the class winners of the raffle ticket sales. 5S sold the most, followed by Cherry in second place and 6Q in third place. The children have been enjoying their prizes today - popcorn and sweeties.
Parent Helpers: reading volunteers needed!
We are looking for reading volunteers to help promote Reading for Pleasure across the school. If you think you would be able to help, please email the school office to express an interest. Thank you in advance- your support makes a huge difference.
Parent Helpers: maths volunteers needed!
Safeguarding during the Holidays
The holiday season can bring joy, but it also presents challenges when it comes to safeguarding children. Schools and some workplaces are closed, and people have more free time, potentially leading to increased risks. If you are worried about a child, please report your concerns directly to Kingston Single Point of Access (020 8547 5008) or Surrey C-SPA (0300 470 9100). If the child is at immediate risk, please call the police directly on 999.
Gifting Device? Set Up Parental Controls for Safeguarding
Please see the information and quick links for parents about setting parental safeguards on devices. AfC's Online Safety Adviseradvises parents set these up before gifting the device to a child.
This is the full safeguarding team in school. They are all trained to Level 3 and everyone in the school received the annual update of Safeguarding Level 2 training at INSET.
Contact details: 020 8397 3864 or email: to request a safeguarding call back. For pupil support, contact 020 8397 3864 or email: